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M&M Ivanaj Foundation Institute

The Martin and Mirash Ivanaj Foundation of New York, U.S.A. and the M. & M. Ivanaj Foundation Institut of Tirana, Albania, are sister Foundations that share a common mission. Both are registered non-profit organizations in their respective countries and combine their work and efforts in order to best meet their stated goals and objectives.

The mission is to promote and advance the public interest in Albanian culture and education, within the country and abroad; encourage the dissemination of knowledge in Albania’s intellectual, juristic, and scientific traditions; nurture young innovative, entrepreneurial ideas into meaningful projects and eventual partnerships; nourish the education of the Albanian people by documenting its valiant history, and propagate knowledge for the advancement of Albania in the free world.

In pursuit of our mission, the Foundations’ activities include educational conferences, seminars, forums in the United States, in Albania and surrounding regions. In Albania we provide facilities and equipment for educational training of varied nature to participants of all ages, as well as data bases, references, and library services for researchers and visiting scholars, in addition to project management support for the development of innovative concepts into business ventures, and for publishing historical documents for educational purpose. For these and other activities we also maintain close relations and collaborations with similar institutions around the world

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